How to Write a Perfect English Essay

For people who are interested in learning How to write an English essay, there is a lot of help available for them. There are thousands of textbooks that have been written about How to write an English essay. You will find useful guidelines and examples on How to write an English essay. There are also online sources with information about How to write an English essay. At our website you can get a variety of help when learning How to write an English essay. The internet has made learning How to write an English essay a piece of cake!


An English essay test is normally designed to find out the writing capabilities of the student. For foreign students and native students alike, an English essay test also gauges their grasp of the language. When taking an English essay test students have to use excellent language in order to get a good grade. At our website students can get the most important does and don’ts when it comes to taking an English essay test.

We write essays customized to meet your academic objectives.  Remember that any form of academic writing including an English essay test will require the student to adhere to certain basic rules.  At our website students can understand better on how to put these rules into practice.

Here are a few tips that will help you when writing an English essay:

Understand the question

At our website the importance of understanding an essay question has been really emphasized.  This is normally perceived as an obvious thing and so students do not take the tip very seriously. When taking an essay question during a test, you have limited time. This does not mean that you have to rush but that you have to be as meticulous as possible so as to avoid spending a lot of time rectifying unnecessary mistakes.

Read through the questions and underline or note down somewhere the major things that the question has asked for. After finishing your essay, peruse the list to see whether you have answered the question satisfactorily.

Take not of the available time

Time is an important factor when you are writing an essay during a test. Depending on the amount of time you have, you will narrow your scope and focus on the key elements so that you explain these satisfactorily. It will be unfortunate if you dwell so much explaining two or one point only to realize that you are out of time and end up leaving your work half baked.

Length of the paper

When writing an English essay, you have to be aware of the required length or number of words. For English tests, this may be dictated. Even if not, the time can somehow give you an idea about the length of the paper. If it is homework find out from the instructor on how long the essay should be. It can be unfortunate to present a one pager when everyone else did five or vice versa.